

1.Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night.___?


A. don't they~||~didn't they~||~did they~||~do they

2.Their experiment __________, Tom and Mary set out to write the report on theresults.


A. done~||~to be done~||~being done~||~will be done

3.The first true piece of sports equipment that man invented was the ball.   In ancient Egypt, as everywhere, pitching stones was a favorite children's game.But a badly thrown rock could hurt a child.Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptians made what were probably the first balls.   At first, balls were made of grass or leaves held together by vines.Later they were made of piece of animal skin sewed together and stuffed with feathers or hay.   Even though the Egyptians were warlike, they found time for peaceful games.Before long they had developed a number of ball games, each with its own set of rules.Perhaps they played ball more for instruction than for fun.Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill they would need for war.[单选题] This selection says that the Egyptians played __.


A. many different games with balls~||~many different kinds of games~||~only one ball game~||~different games with similar roles


Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a well. After they1their work, he left them, saying, "When the sun is down, I will come and see your work. "

At last one of them said, " What's the use of doing this foolish work? We can2 fill the basket."3man answered,"That is none of your business.The firstsaid."You may do as you like,but I am not going to work at4soFoolish."He5 his bucket and went away.The other man said no word,and kept on carrying6 last the well was almost7.

As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket,he saw a bright thing in it.Hepicked it up.It was a beautiful gold ring.Just then the king came.8he saw the ring,he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted.He told him to keep the ringforhimself."You9so well in this little thing,"he said,"10now I know I canbelieve you with many things."9


A. A. have done~||~will do~||~do~||~are doing

5.Many people use wood stoves and fireplaces to heat their homes.Scientists have become worried about the smoke that they give off.Harmful chemicals are in the smoke.The smoke is causing air pollution.The pieces of pollution, called soot, are floating in the air.They are too tiny to see.Scientists must use a microscope to see them.   Small amounts of soot are safe, but large amounts can be dangerous.The govenment wants to limit this kind of pollution.It may stop people from using their fireplaces.   The air is tested every day.When soot levels are high, more than 65 micrograms of soot per cubic meter, factories must stop making smoke.The government thinks that limit should be much lower. Factories produce the most smoke and soot.But the government thinks that all types of burning should be limited.The soot levels from factories and homes could be limited.Home owners may have to install new wood stoves that they comply with the new law.Or, they may not be able to bum on days when the air quality is bad.   Residents of some towns are fined if they violate the burning ban.Scientists hope these new regulations will make the air cleaner and less harmful to breathe.[单选题] Why is the air quality tested every day?


A. Just in case someone ask~||~Scientists like to take test~||~Scientists are not very bus~||~To keep track of pollution level

6.Many a school in the United States __ to train men in theology.


A. was set up~||~were set up~||~has set up~||~have set up

7.Jane isn’ t feeling well today.I dare not do________ to upset her.


A. anything~||~something~||~nothing~||~a thing

8.The twins got on well___their classmates.


A. to~||~in~||~with~||~about



A. grand~||~ gravity~||~ gratitude~||~ grateful

10.根据以下资料,回答86-89题。   Amnesty (大赦) Interational is a world-wide volunteer organization funded entirely by subscriptions and donations.It is totally independent of any government, political faction, ideology, economic interest or religious creed.   The organization works for the release of "Prisoners of Conscience" -men, women and children imprisoned anywhere for their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, language or religion.It also seeks fair and immediate trial for all political prisoners detained (拘留) without charge, and opposes torture and the degrading treatment of prisoners.It is also against the death penalty for all types of crime.   Amnesty works by collecting information.When it has proof that a person is a " Prisoner of Conscience" , that person's case is handed over to a local group.The local groups are ordinary individuals who believe in Amnesty's work.They send letters to governments, embassies, leading newspapers and the prisoner's family and friends.They also collect signatures and raise money to send medicine, food and clothing to the prisoners and their families.These volunteers use their freedom of speech to win the same freedom for their adopted prisoner.   Paradoxically, Amnesty International is an organization that will only be satisfied when it has become redundant (多余的) .89 Amnesty International will go on working until __.


A. many "Prisoners of Conscience" are released from prison~||~its work becomes unnecessary~||~the "Prisoners of Conscience" are redundant ~||~all prisoners are released

11.The clock.has 8topped I________get it go again and set the alarm,or I will be late again tomorrow.


A. couId~||~might~||~would~||~must

12.--Can you speak English?-Yes,but only___


A. few~||~afew~||~little~||~a little

13.-Please remember to come to my birthday party.I see.I'll come___Saturday evening.


A. in~||~at~||~on~||~between

14.The shirt isn‘t mine,It‘s___


A. Mrs.Smith~||~Mrs.Smiths~||~Mrs.Smiths‘~||~Mrs.Smith‘s

15.Couples are restricting the size of their families in the UK because of cash worries brought on bvthe financial crisis and the subsequent decline.We’re now up to nearly 3.7 million families whelthere is an only child,a rise from about 3.3 million in 2005.That means nearlv half of all parentshave only one child.Financial WOITies aren’t the only driver.The trend towards later motherhood has beenmentionedas a cause,as have soaring costs of raising a child,which have been calculated as£222.500 frombirth t021 years of age.This is an increase of nearly 40%in lo years.The increasing availability of IVF(试管婴儿)is also a factor and an interesting one.Coupleswhomight have remained childless in the past now invest in IVF and get pregnant.And because ofthe cost they stop after one child.It may not be a bad thin9;there are outstanding examples of talented only children.Some arguethat being an only child promoted their success.These include actors Natalie Portman and Al Paci.n0,golfer Tiger Woods and even Queen Victoria.A study from the Institute for Social and EconomicResearch at the University of Essex also showed that the fewer brothers and sisters a child has.thehappier they are.It seems fighting for parental attention and affection--which sometimes descendsinto physical fights—is more stressful than any adult had previously thought.And it's not compensa—ted(弥补)by having a playmate.The findings of the institute at the University of Essex might mean that__________ .


A. the only children’s lack of playmates causes problems~||~the only children are much happier than others~||~parents—children relationship is off balance~||~children have to struggle for parental love

16.In 2000, with little but a bar and a church left to make it a destination, tiny St. James, Nebraska,was taken off state highway maps. Then the church closed, and the small farm village in the state’snortheast corner looked set to just disappear. Thanks to five devoted women, it didn’t.In May 2001, after meeting with staff from the Center for Rural Affairs, the friends—Louis Guy,Vicky Koch, Jeanette Pinkelman, Mary Rose Pinkelman and Violet Pinkelman—opened a weekendmarket for vendors(小商贩) to sell handcrafts and local food.“We felt like, what can we do to bring the community together?” says Mary Rose Pinkelman, “Wedecided to make a place to sell local goods.” They set up shop in the church school, which, thoughclosed for nearly 40 years, had been well maintained. The first weekend, 16 vendors look over anold classroom. The result was an instant hit. Today, the market draws up to 70 vendors----who sellsuch items as homemade jellies, baked goods, hand-woven rugs, and farm-grown produce----andwhat Pinkelman calls an unexpected number of visitors. In the process, the market has made St.James a destination again, putting it back on the state road map.St. James has been put back to the state road map due to____


A. the efforts of five women~||~the efforts of the Center for Rural Affairs~||~the vendors in the local place~||~the unexpected number of visitors

17.At first glance,there hardly seems to be any comparison between Ravenna and Rome,but backin the 5th century ,it was Ravenna that served as capital of the Western Roman Empire. In this city,Roman rulers built monuments which are famous, then and now, for their sweeping mosaics (镶嵌图案). Seven of Ravenna's eight buildings from the 5th and 6th centuries are spectacularly decoratedwith examples of this ancient art. "In the past, many people couldn't read or write," says tour guideand Ravenna native Silvia Giogoli. "Mosaics were a way to explain the religion and the political situ-ation to the people. " Visitors to Ravenna can look at pieces of art by ancient artists, listen to musicians, and learn to make their own masterpieces.Travel Tips When to Go:June--October; weather is pleasant in April and May but historic sites can get crowded with school groups.Where to Stay:Walk through historic district sites from Albergo Cappello and stay at a modernHotel Centrale Byron.How to Get Around:Take the train from Bologna, and then walk, bike, or use taxis within the city.Where to Eat or Drink:Housed in a former movie theater, two-storey Ristorante Cinema Alex-ander blends 1940s Hollywood flavor with homemade Emilia Romagna courses and attentive service(helpful in translating the menu). For fresh seafood, try Osteria L'Accigua and Da Buco.What to Buy : Watch the next generation of Emilia Romagna mosaic artists createcontemporaryand traditional pieces in local studios where modern artists use the same methods as their Byzantineforefathers.What to Read Before You Go:Ravenna in Late Antiquity, by Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis-.2010) ,provides a wide-ranging look at the city's art, architecture, and history.If you want to try fresh seafood,you should go to__________ .


A. Emilia Romagna~||~Hotel Centrale Byron~||~Ristorante Cinema Alexander~||~Osteria L'Accigua and Da Buco

18.In my opinion this is a(an) ____________________ different matter.


A. entirely~||~merely~||~purely~||~fully

19.And just like you can’t believe the information on every website out there, you can’t ( ) on strangers on the Internet, either. Just like you could make up things about yourself to tell someone, someone else could do the same to you!在( )处填入的最佳答案是()。


A. act~||~rely~||~call~||~put

20.根据以下材料,回答52-55题 Animals have different ways of protecting themselves against wintertime weather.Some animalsgrow heavy coats of fur or feathers,while others dig into the ground to find a warm wintertime home.Some animals spend the winter in a deep sleep because by going to sleep they avoid the time of theyear when food is scarce and the temperatures are low.Their sleep is known as hibernation. There is much about hibernation that puzzles scientists.For example,they are wondering how hibernation came into being.Some scientists have explored the possibility that animals release a chemicalthat starts them hibernating. One thing that scientists are certain about is that animals hibernate only when it is cold.Hibernation is a seasonal practice. Some animals that fall into a wintertime sleep are not true hibernators because they spend only apart of the cold season asleep.Bears,for example,can easily be awakened from their winter nap.They are not true hibernators. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a particular animal is a true hibernator.Forexample,some mice hibernate,but others do not.The same is true of bats.Some of them hibernate.Other do not.The main idea of this passage is that.


A. many animals die during hibernation ~||~hibernation protects animals during the wintertime ~||~scientists feel puzz1ed about hibernation ~||~some bats hibenlate and others do not



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