

1.__________all our kindness to help her,Sarah refused to listen to us.


A. At~||~For~||~In~||~On

2.Allen ______any good job since he came to New York City two years ago.


A. doesn’t find~||~hasn’t found~||~didn’t find~||~hadn’t find

3.III.Cloze(30 points)Directions:For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B,Cand D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackeningthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. The destruction of habitats(栖息地)all over the world is the primary reason species arebecoming extinct(灭绝)or endangered.Houses,highways,dams,industrial buildings,and ever-spreading farms now dominate (21) formerly occupied by forests,deserts,and wetlands.(22) the beginning of European settlement in America,(23),over 65,000,000 acres ofwetlands have been drained.One million acres alone vanished (24) 1985 and 1995. Habitat destruction can be (25) or it can be subtle,occurring over a (26) period of time without being noticed.(27) such as sewage from cities and chemical runoff from farms,can change the (28) and quantity of water in streams and rivers.To (29) living in a delicately balanced habitat,this disturbance can be as (30) as the clear-cutting of a rainforest. (31) remaining habitats are carved into smaller and smaller pockets or islands,remainingspecies are forced to exist in these (32) areas,which causes further habitat (33) .These species become less adaptable to environmental (34);in fact,they become (35) endangered. Scientists believe that when a habitat is cut by 90%,one-half of its plants,animals and insects will become extinct.(28)__


A. amount~||~purity~||~nature~||~quality


Many people think that Americans1their cars almost more than anything else.When2people are fourteen years old,they want to have their3cars.They don'task for a car from their4.So many of them work in5time during their last yearof high school to buy a car.Learning to6and getting a driver's license may be one ofthe most exciting things in a young person's life.

Some people almost7go to a doctor when they are ill.But they will8their

cars to a garage as soon as they think there is a9,On Saturdays or Sundays some people may10most of their time washing and repairing their cars.10.(单选)


A. A.cost~||~get~||~spend~||~


5.--How much did this set of furniture cost?--I forgot __


A. how much it costs~||~how much did it cost~||~how much it cost~||~how much does it cost



A. guilt~||~ build~||~ guide~||~ guitar


Passage One

Population tends to grow at an exponential( 指数的 )rate. This means that

they progressively double. As an example of this type of growth rate take one penny and double every day for one month. After the first week, you would have only 64 cent, but after the fourth week you would have over a million dollars.

This helps explain why the population has come on “all of a sudden ” took from he beginning of human 1ife to the year 1830 for the population of the earth to reach one billion. That repents( 缓慢进行 ) a time span of at least two million years. Then it took from 1830 to 1930 for world population to reach 2 billion. The next billion was added by 1960 only thirty years and in 1975 world population reached 4 billion which is another billion people in only fifteen years.

World population is increasing at a rate of 9, 000per hour, 220,000 per day and 80 million per year. This is not only due to higher birth rate, but to lower death rate as well. The number of births has not declined at the same rate as the number of deaths.

Some countries such as Columbia, Thailand, Morocco, Costa Rica and the Philippines are doubling their

population about every twenty-one years with a growth rate of 3.3 percent a year or more. The United States is

doubling its population about very eighty-seven years, with a rate of 0.8 percent per year. (81)Every time a population doubles, the country involved needs twice as much of everything, including hospitals, schools, resources, food and medicines to care for its people. It is easy to see that this is very difficult to achieve for the more rapidly growing countries.Which of the following statements is NOT true?


A. World population is increasing at a rate of 150 per minute.~||~Lower death rate also contributes to world population growth. ~||~The population of Columbia has been doubling every year for 21 years.~||~The United States is usually doubling its population on about every 87 years.

8.Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)? Little wonder. We often believe we’re more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are, according to Boza Keysar, a professor at the University of Chicago. In his recent study, speakers tried to express their meanings using unclear sentences. Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the time. Here’s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding:  (1)Don’t trust what you see from the listener. Listeners often nod, look at you or say “uhhuh” to be polite or move the conversation along. But it’s easy to consider these as signs of understanding.  (2)Train the editor(编辑) in your head. If you say, “Beth discusses her problems with her husband,” it’s not clear whether she’s talking to her husband or about him. Try instead, “Beth talks to her husband about her problems.” or “Beth talks to others about the problems with her husband.”  (3)Ask listeners to repeat your message. Introduce your request by saying “I want to be sure I said that right.” Questions like “How does that sound?” or “Does that make sense?” may also work.(4)Listen well. When on the receiving end, ask questions to be sure you’re on the same page. After all, it isn’t just the speaker’s job to make his speech understood.Why does the writer give us the advice?


A. We’re not skillful enough to make clear sentences.~||~Misunderstanding is damaging our normal lives.~||~Misunderstanding occurs now and then.~||~It’s impolite to say NO to others.

9.It's about___the thickness of a human hair.


A. two-fifteenth~||~two-fifteenths~||~two fifteen~||~two fifteens

10.Friends become a child’s chosen family. If his social life is going well, he gains confidence. If he hastrouble connecting, it hurts and can make him feel sad and withdrawn and lonely.1.Help your child communicate. Naturally outgoing kids have an easier time expressing theirinterest in other children than shy ones do. But you can help build this skill through practice. Askyour child about his favorite games and toys. Praise him for specifics when he shows interest inother people:” You were so nice to let Roger talk about his little dog. I am proud of you.”2.Keep play short and sweet. Parents should keep early play date short, so no one gets too tiredand everyone has fun. Schedule the next one soon after that, so kids can quickly build on their comfort foundation.3.Know your child. If your child is bossy, tale with him and agree beforehand on which toys will be shared and which ones should be put away because your child just can’t seem to share them. If you have a shy child, match him with a younger child so he has a chance to be the leader.4.Help your child help others. Encourage your child to be a better friend by helping him includeothers in play. If you see someone being excluded, don’t ignore it. This is an opportunity to work on your child’s ability to understand others. “Rachel is being left out. That must make her feel very sad. Can you think of a way to include her in the game?”5.Help your kids help themselves. If your child is the one who’s being ignored or treated badly,teach him to speak up.The phrase” left out” in Para.5 is closed in meaning to____.


A. neglected~||~criticized~||~not included~||~not respected


Most students choose “Homestay” accommodation when they study abroad:others select Homestay even if they are not on a study visit.Statistics show that it’s a form of accommodation gaining in popularity all the time.

But what is Homestay? And what makes it so popular?

Homestay means living with a family,or“host family”as we say.There are three ways of doing it:choose to learn English in a language school near to your Homestay location:have your English classes in the house with a member of the family who is a qualified teacher;

select not to have classes at all when you visit——a popular choice if you want to do the tourist thing for example.

Even in their busy summer period the organizations that arrange the Homestays will always try to place you with the most suitable host family to match your requirements.Placement( 安置)organizations think about location,interests,language level,eating requirements,allergies

(过敏)and other requests you may have.

Though prices vary according to your needs,good quality Homestay accommodation can be

relatively economical--and although you may be charged an extra amount of money if you want your Homestay in or near the city center.Even if you stay further out,you can expect your journey into the center not to exceed 30 minutes.

Not only does Homestay accommodation represent value for money, it also gives you an excellent opportunity to practice English with your host family.This is a very important extra for students who like to speak as much English as possible. But if you plan to learn English,why not have your English classes in your host family. There’s no better way to learn English than this—the perfect combination of learning and accommodation combined with the cultural experience !What can be inferred from the passage?


A. The author is in favor of Homestay accommodation.~||~The author is doubtful about the safety of Homestay.~||~The author finds Homestay arrangement complicated.~||~The author finds Homestay accommodation expensive.

12.Though Mum is very busy, she always _____some time every day to read to her children.


A. sets off~||~sets in~||~sets aside~||~sets up

13.根据以下材料,回答36-39题 The banana"tree"is actually not a real tree.This is because there is no wood in the stem(树干)rising above the ground.The stem is made up of leaves growing very close toge‘her,one msldethe other.The leaves spread out at the top of the stem and rise in the air· Banana plants need a lot of care and attention.They must be provided with water if the normal rainfall doesn’t supply enough.The area around the plants must be kept free of weeds(杂草)andgrass. About nine or ten months after planting,a flower appears on the banana plant.This flower is atthe end of a long stalk(茎),which grows from the base up through the center of the stem and turns downward when it comes out from the top.Small bananas form on this flower stalk as it grows down。ward.Bananas really grow upside down.As the small bananas form on the stalk,they point downward.but as they grow they turn and point upward. Bananas are harvested while they are still green. Even when they are to be eaten where they are grown,they are not allowed to ripen on the plant.A banana that turols yellow on the plant losesits taste.From the text we know when bananas are harvested,they are.


A. green and pointing upward   ~||~yellow and pointing downward~||~green and pointing downward  ~||~yellow and pointing upward

14.Sandy could do nothing but___to his teacher that he was wrong.


A. admit~||~admitted~||~admitting~||~to admit


Food is very important.Everyone needsto1well if he or she wants to have astrong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.This kind of food is2.We begin toget knowledge even3 we are very young.Small children are 4 in everythingaround them.They learn5 while they are watching and listening.When they are getting older,they begin to6story books,science books....anything theyhike.Whenthey find something new,they love to ask questions and7to find out answers.Whatis the best8to get knowledge?ifwe learn by ourselves,we will get9knowledge,If we are10 getting answers from others and do not ask why we will neverlearn well.When we study in the right way,we will learn more and understand better.1,


A. A.sleep    ~||~read~||~drink~||~eat

16.--___do you hear from your parents?--About once a month.


A. How long~||~How many~||~How often~||~How much

17.-Must we do our homework first?No,you___You may have a rest first.


A. mustn't~||~needn't~||~may not~||~can

18.He taught himself to play the violin __________practising all night.


A. by~||~with by~||~at by~||~on

19.It is___necessary)for you to walk the little dog once a week to the park.


20.HI. Cloze ( 30 points)Directions:For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corres-ponding letter on the Answer Sheet.材料题,根据下面文章回答21-35题:Where do cars get their energy from? For most cars,the answer is petrol. 21_some cars use electricity.These cars have 22 motors that get their power from large batteries.In 23 ,there are even cars that have 24 an electric motor and a petrol motor.These types of cars are 25 hybrid(混合)cars.Most people tend to think of electric cars as a new 26 ,but they have been around for a long time.In the 27 19th and early 20th centuries electric cars were common because the technology for petrol engines was not very advanced.But 28 the petrol engine became easier to make and more powerful,this type of engines became the most 29 .Interest in electric cars was high in the l970s and 1980s because 30 became very expensive。Recently,electric cars have again become well-liked because people want cars that pollute 31 . Electric cars are better than petrol cars 32 several ways.The biggest benefit is reduced pollution.In areas 33 there is a high percentage of electric cars,pollution is not that serious.The second benefit of electric cars is a 34 in the dependence on foreign oil.Several countries don’t want to 35 on oil from other countries.Since electric cars can run on electricity from coal or nuclear power stations,there is less need to import oil.24.请填写本题最佳答案( )


A. either~||~neither~||~both~||~all



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