

1.Thank you very much for giving us___on this matter.


A. these informations~||~so many informations~||~an information~||~so omuch information

2.Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is essential to one's life. Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have been told,and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip. But for many people, the thought of food as the first thing in the morning is never a pleasure So despiteall the efforts,they still take no breakfast.Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures could be obtained, the number of people who didn't have breakfast increased by 33%from 8.8 million to 11.7 million--according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation of America. For those who dislike eating breakfast,however, there is some good news.Several studies in the last few years have shownthat,for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. "Going withoutbreakfast does not affect work,"said Arnold E.Bender, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, "nor does giving people breakfast improve work. " Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better work is surprisingly inadequate(不充分) ,and most of the recent work involves children, not adults. "The literature," says one researcher, Dr. Earnest Polite at the University of Texas, "is poor."What does the word "literature" in the last sentence refer to?


A. Modem American literature.~||~ Any printed materials.~||~ Written works on a subject.~||~ Stories, poems and plays

3.He has just taken an examination __ chemistry.


A. for~||~about~||~on~||~in

4.Train companies in Tokyo are taking action to reduce the number of people jumping in front of trains.They are fitting blue lights on station platforms to try and create a more calming atmosphere.The East Japan Railway Company has invested almost $170,000 to install the lights in all of the 29 stations on the capital's busy Yamanote Line.There has been an alarming rise in the number of people committing suicide at train stations.A total of 68 people threw themselves under trains in the year up to March.This compares with 42 suicides in the same period a year earlier.In 2008, Japan had nearly 2,000 suicides by jumping in front of a train; around six percent of all suicides nationwide.Suicides have risen sharply in the past decade due to poor economic conditions.   No one knows if the blue lights will work.There is no evidence to show that blue light reduces suicidal feelings. Keihan Railway spokesman Osamu Okawa stated: "We thought we had to do something to save lives.We know there is no scientific proof that blue lights deter suicides, but if blue has a soothing effect on the mind, we want to try it to save lives." The Associated Press news agency reports on a Japanese therapist called Mizuki    Takahashi.She explained her reasons why the blue lights might be a good idea: "We associate the color with the sky and the sea.It has a calming effect on agitated people, or people obsessed with one particular thing, which in this case is committing suicide," she said.Other companies are watching this experiment with interest.[单选题] What is the writer's attitude toward the experiment? He is __.


A. interested~||~denying~||~objective~||~indifferent

5. The shoes he wore made his__________look funny.


A. feet~||~foots ~||~hand~||~foot


In the last 500 years,nothing about people-not their clothes,ideas or languages-has changed as much as what they eat,The original chocolate drink was made from theseeds of the cocoa tree by South American Indians.The Spanishintroduced it to the rest ofthe world.And although it was very expensive,it quickly became fashionable.In London.shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places.Some still exist today.

The potato is also from the New World.round 1500,the Spanish brought it fromPeru to Europe,where it was soon widely grown.Ireland became so dependent on it thatthousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during thePotato Famineof 18451846,and thousands more were forced to emigrate toAmerica.There are many otherfoods that have traveled from South America to the Old World.But some others went inthe opposite direction.Brazil is now the world's largest grower of coffee,and coffee is animportant crop in Columbia and other South American countries.But it is native to Ethiopia.It was first made into a drink by Arabs during the 1400s.

According to an Arabic legend,coffee was discovered by a goatherd namedKaldi.Henoticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush,He tried one andexperienced thewide-awakefeeling that one-third of the world's population now startsthe day with.1.According to the passage,_____has changed the most in the last 500 years.()


A. A.food~||~chocolate~||~potato~||~coffee

7.At such a time of crisis, we must try to _____all differences and stick together.


A. set apart~||~set back~||~set aside~||~set down

8.The old lady who moved here a month ago never laughs, _____ lose her temper.


A. nor she ever does ~||~or she ever does ~||~or does she ever~||~nor does she ever

9.根据以下资料,回答6-9题。   Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941.The United States was mad at the Japanese so they made many Japanese-Americans leave their homes.They were put in camps with barbed wire around the outside of the camps.   Many Japanese-American young men were called into the army.Some of them joined the US Military Intelligence Service or MIS.The MIS was a secret group that fought the Japanese soldiers.This secret group translated important maps and papers.They questioned Japanese prisoners.Another task they did was to translate diaries written in Japanese.   Sometimes Japanese soldiers hid in caves to hide from the Americans.The MIS would try to get the scared soldiers to leave the caves.This was known as "cave flushing." Some of the soldiers would give up and leave the caves.   Other Japanese would jump to their deaths.   The MIS never got awards for their efforts until the year 2000.Then they were rewarded for their brave acts in World War II.It took almost sixty years for them to be honored.   Gayle Yamada has made a film about the brave Japanese-American MIS.The film is called "Uncommon Courage" and is a true story.Hopefully, Yamada's film and the movie, "Pearl Harbor," will not cause people to hate Japanese-Americans or any other race.7 The MIS finally received recognition __.


A. during President Kennedy's term~||~fifty years later~||~ten years ago~||~last year from President Clinton 

10.Ⅴ.Daily Conversation ( 15 points)Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete thefollowing dialoaue by blackenina the corresuondina letter on the Answer Sheet.1562417053(1).jpgWoman : Hello, Mr. Johnson' s office.Man : Good morning.56 Woman : Sorry,he' s in a meeting at the moment.57 Man:Yes. This is Steve Lee from Brightlight Systems. 58 Woman:Tomorrow afternoon in your office.Man : 59Woman : Okay. 60Man : Thank you.56



Food is very important.Everyone needsto1well if he or she wants to have astrong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.This kind of food is2.We begin toget knowledge even3we are very young.Small children are4in everythingaround them.They learn5while they are watching and listening.When they are getting older,they begin to6story books,science books....anything theyhike.Whenthey find something new,they love to ask questions and7to find out answers.Whatis the best8to get knowledge?ifwe learn by ourselves,we will get9knowledge,If we are10getting answers from others and do not ask why we will neverlearn well.When we study in the right way,we will learn more and understand better.9,


A. A.little~||~few~||~many~||~the most

12.Mr.Smith is an old friend of______


A. I~||~me~||~my~||~mine

13.根据读音,选择合适的答案( )


A. phrase~||~loose~||~expo_se~||~accuse

14.We should keep students staying away from the___(healthy)books.


15. 根据以下材料,回答21-35题 Drawing a picture is the simplest way of putting an idea down on paper.That is 21 menfirst began to write six thousand years ago or22.The alphabet we now use 23 down to usover a long period of time.It was developed from the picture—writing of ancient Egypt. Picture—writing was useful in many 24.It could be used to express ideas as well as 25.For example,a drawing of a26meant the object“man". 27 a drawing of a man lying on the groud with a spear in him meant“28”. Besides the Egyptians,the Chinese 29 the American Indians also developed ways 30writing in pictures.But only 31much could be said this way.Thousands of pictures would have beenneeded 32 express all the ideas that people might have.It would have taken many thousand more toexpress all the objects33 to men.No one could34 so many pictures in a lifetime.Nor couldanyone learn the meaning of all 35 drawings in a lifetime.32.查看材料[


A. to ~||~for~||~possibly  ~||~Actually

16.I entered St.Thomas's Hospital as a medical student at the age of 18 and spent fiveyears there.I was an unsatisfactory student,for my heart was not in it.I had always wanted to be a writer,and in the evenings,after my tea.iwrote andread.Before long,1wrote a novel,called Liza of Lambeth,which I sent to apublisher and was accepted,Itappeared during my last year at the hospital and had something of a success.I felt I couldafford to give up medicine and make writing my profession:so,three days after I graduatedfrom the school of medicine,1 set out for Spain to write another book.Looking back now.and knowing the terrible difficulties of making a living by writing,I realize I was taking afearful risk.The next ten years were very hard,and I earned an average of t100 a year.Then Ihad a bit of luck.The manager of the Court Theatre put on a play that failed.The nextplay he arranged to put on was not ready,and he was at his wit\\'s end.He read a play ofmine and,though he did not much like it.he thought it might just run for the six weekstill the play he had in mind could be produced.It ran for fifteen months.Within a shortwhile,I had four plays running in London at the same time.Nothing of the kind had everhappened before.I was the talk of the town.The author gave up medicine because at that time()


A. he thought he could make a living by writing~||~he knew the success of the book was natural~||~he knew it was no risk to be a writer~||~he was quite rich after the success of his book



A. expert~||~expensive~||~experiment~||~example

18.11. You'd better take these documents with you __ you need them for the meeting.


A.  unless ~||~in case~||~until~||~so that

19.翻译:However, once a solid-fuel rocket has been ignited, it will keep burning. It cannot be stopped and reignited whenever desired and its thrust cannot be varied.


20.Respect for the law is the foundation of civilized living, ______breaks it will be punished.


A. who~||~whoever~||~people who~||~no matter who



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