

1.III.Cloze(30 points)Directions:For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B,Cand D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackeningthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. The destruction of habitats(栖息地)all over the world is the primary reason species arebecoming extinct(灭绝)or endangered.Houses,highways,dams,industrial buildings,and ever-spreading farms now dominate (21) formerly occupied by forests,deserts,and wetlands.(22) the beginning of European settlement in America,(23),over 65,000,000 acres ofwetlands have been drained.One million acres alone vanished (24) 1985 and 1995. Habitat destruction can be (25) or it can be subtle,occurring over a (26) period of time without being noticed.(27) such as sewage from cities and chemical runoff from farms,can change the (28) and quantity of water in streams and rivers.To (29) living in a delicately balanced habitat,this disturbance can be as (30) as the clear-cutting of a rainforest. (31) remaining habitats are carved into smaller and smaller pockets or islands,remainingspecies are forced to exist in these (32) areas,which causes further habitat (33) .These species become less adaptable to environmental (34);in fact,they become (35) endangered. Scientists believe that when a habitat is cut by 90%,one-half of its plants,animals and insects will become extinct.(24)__


A. both~||~in~||~between~||~before

2.People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads;everyone watches TV, rents videos,or goes to the movies.The most popular reading material is comic books,movie magazines,and TV guide s.City libraries have only 10 percent of the traffic that car washes have.But how do you explain this? An annual book festival in west Los Angeles is flourishing year after year.People wait half an hour for a parking space to become available.This outdoor festival,sponsored by a newspaper,occurs every April for one weekend. This year’s attendance was estimated at 70,000 on Saturday and 75,000 on Sunday.The festival consisted of 280 exhibitors.There were about 90 talks given by authors,with an audience question-and-answer period foilowing each talk.Autograph(亲笔签名)seekers sought out more than 150authors.A food court sold all kinds of popular food and diverse foreign foods,from Americanhamburgers to Hawaiian shave ice drinks.Except for a $7 parking fee,the festival was free.Evenso,some people avoided the food court prices by staying away and having their own sandwiches and drinks.People came from all over CaliforniA.One couple drove down from San Francisco.“This is our sixth year here now.We love it,”said the husbanD.“It’s just fantastic to be in the great outdoors,to be mnong so many books and authors,and to get some very good deals,too.”The idea for the festival occurred years ago,but nobody knew if it would succee D.Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities,would Los Angeles residents welcome one?“The citizens of the city are very unpredictable,”said one of the festival founders.The success of Los Angeles book festival shows that____.


A. book reading is still popular in Los Angeles~||~Los Angeles people prefer library to book festival~||~people attend the book festivals for fun not for reading~||~libraries should have food courts to attract more readers

3.The job applicant was worried about the interview____ he was well prepared.


A. if~||~because~||~when~||~though

4.He bought a____of trousers.They were expensive.


A. piece~||~set~||~pair~||~pile

5.the signs used by all of the signers ____ certain linguistic rules.填入____处的最佳答案是()。


A. exercised~||~followed~||~played~||~performed


Insomnia, or "poor sleep", can have bad effects on a person's health and general well-being. It can21on both our physical and mental health and can lead to other health22

  Insomnia can be traced to many different reasons,but what is23 to ninny sufferers is their inability to relax fully and "switch the mind 24Constant thoughts,25 around and around in the mind, moving from one 26 to the next, prevent stillness and peace and 27 a sufferer extremely tired.

  In order to treat insomnia 28, it is first necessary to allow a sufferer to re-experience 29 real relaxation feel like.It’s almost as though they've forgotten how to relax. Once this has been 30 by the brain, then fast and effective 31 can be made to reeducate the unconscious towards allowing the person to relax 32 and to allow a natural state of sleep to 33

  Hypnotherapy(催眠疗法) is one of the fastest and most effective ways of 34 this goal for long-lasting results.

  Sleeping pills, if used at all, should only be a short-term35as their effect is soon reduced and their side effects can be deep and far-reaching.23 ()


A. interesting~||~same~||~common~||~alike

7.根据以下资料,回答66-69题。We first think of the traditional or nuclear family.This is a two-generation family, the father and the mother and their own children.Most couples wanted to have four children, two boys, two girls.   Some nuclear families, however, may add one or more grandparents to come to live with them, that is three generations.This kind of family with grandparents, parents, and grandchildren is called an extended family.This family type was not very common during the later half of the twentieth century, but it's becoming more common now as an elderly grandparent moves in to live with a son or daughter.This is more possible now that American homes have become larger.What is interesting, however, is that after the grandchildren move out of the home and start their own families, this extended family shrinks back to a nuclear family, with just two generations again living together, a grandparent and parents, with the grandchildren coming only for occasional visits.   Now, the fatherless or motherless family is one kind of what we call a single-parent family.In the fatherless family it's just the mother and her children.As I said, this can be the result of the husband's death, of an unmarried mother, of a separation or divorce.There are also a growing number of motherless families--where the father raises the children, for any of the same reasons.A motherless family may also be fatherless, but still a family with one adult.This is becoming more common in the big cities where a grandmother will raise her daughter's children while the daughter goes elsewhere to work.   One other new kind of family is becoming increasingly more common.A single parent with one or more children will marry again.Perhaps the other parent is also a single parent.Together they will start what is called a blended family, which blends together or combines the children from two other families.68 What is true to the fact in America?


A. There are more and more members in a family~||~There are less and less members in a family~||~There is an increasing number of grandparents who refuse to look after their grandchildren~||~There is an increasing number of grandparents who live separately from their children

8.The first true piece of sports equipment that man invented was the ball.   In ancient Egypt, as everywhere, pitching stones was a favorite children's game.But a badly thrown rock could hurt a child.Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptians made what were probably the first balls.   At first, balls were made of grass or leaves held together by vines.Later they were made of piece of animal skin sewed together and stuffed with feathers or hay.   Even though the Egyptians were warlike, they found time for peaceful games.Before long they had developed a number of ball games, each with its own set of rules.Perhaps they played ball more for instruction than for fun.Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill they would need for war.[单选题] The best title for this selection is __.


A. The First Ball Games~||~How Egyptian Children Played Games~||~Egyptian Sports~||~The Beginning of Sports

9.After the busy day I‘ve had, I need a __ drink.


A. heavy~||~sharp~||~Strong~||~Powerful

10.He taught himself to play the violin __________practising all night.


A. by~||~with by~||~at by~||~on

11. Among the first to suggest that clocks be moved ahead to extend(延长) daylight hoursduring the spring and summer was Benjamin Franklin. However, it was not until March311918, more than a century after Franklin's death, that Congress adopted the practice--during World War Iin order to save electricity. During World War1 daylight saving wasalsoadopted(采取inEngland,Germany,France,and many other countries5.Daylightsavingwasalsoadopted()


A. A.in England and France~||~in Germany and many other countries.~||~Both A and B~||~all the countries

12.The sign reads"In ease of___fire.break the glass and push___red button.


A. /;a~||~/;the~||~the:the~||~a:a



A. sweat~||~ wheat~||~ meat~||~ neatly


I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability.

It is like this. 61 you are going to have a baby, it ’s like preparing a vacation trip to Italy. You 62 a bunch of guidebooks and make wonderful 63 . You may learn some useful phrases 64 Italian. It ’s all very exciting. 65 several months of eager expectation, the day finally 66 . You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours 67 , the plane lands in Holland. ―Why Holland? ‖ you say, ―I sign up 68 Italy! All my life I ’ve dreamed 69 going to Italy. ‖ But you have landed in Holland and 70 you must stay.

The importance thing is to remember that they haven ’t taken you 71 a horrible, disgusting, filthy place. It ’s just a 72 place. So you go out and new guidebooks 73 you must learn a whole new language. Holland may be slower-paced 74 Italy. But you have been there for a while, you 75 that Holland has windmills and tulips( 郁金 香). Everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they all boasting about 76 a wonderful time they had there. And for the 77 of your life you will say, ―Yes, that’s where I was 78 to go ‖. But if you spend your life 79 the fact that you didn ’t get to Italy, you may never be free to 80 the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.65、


A.  Before ~||~Though ~||~Through ~||~After

15.根据以下材料,回答52-55题 Animals have different ways of protecting themselves against wintertime weather.Some animalsgrow heavy coats of fur or feathers,while others dig into the ground to find a warm wintertime home.Some animals spend the winter in a deep sleep because by going to sleep they avoid the time of theyear when food is scarce and the temperatures are low.Their sleep is known as hibernation. There is much about hibernation that puzzles scientists.For example,they are wondering how hibernation came into being.Some scientists have explored the possibility that animals release a chemicalthat starts them hibernating. One thing that scientists are certain about is that animals hibernate only when it is cold.Hibernation is a seasonal practice. Some animals that fall into a wintertime sleep are not true hibernators because they spend only apart of the cold season asleep.Bears,for example,can easily be awakened from their winter nap.They are not true hibernators. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a particular animal is a true hibernator.Forexample,some mice hibernate,but others do not.The same is true of bats.Some of them hibernate.Other do not.The main idea of this passage is that.


A. many animals die during hibernation ~||~hibernation protects animals during the wintertime ~||~scientists feel puzz1ed about hibernation ~||~some bats hibenlate and others do not

16. 根据以下材料,回答48-51题 The strange close understanding between twins is a familiar enough phenomenon.Often theyseem to understand each other and share each other’s emotions to such an extent that one suspectssome kind of thought communication.   What is not so widely known is that this special relationship often acts as brake on twins’intellectual development.As they are partly isolated in their own private world,twins communicate lesswith adults than do other children.The verbal ability of a four—year—old twin is typically six monthsbehind that of a non-twin.The problem can be particularly severe in an underprivileged family,aone-parent family for example,where there is little stimulation for children anyway.   Such children,while capable of mutual comprehension in a private language,often remainincomprehensible to outsiders and thus at a severe educational disadvantage.The only solution tothe problem,cruel though it may seem,is to separate the twins thus forcing them to acquire ordinaryspeech helped and guided by sympathetic parents and teachers.The writer mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT.


A. twins can help each other ~||~twins share each other’S emotion ~||~twins are able to understand each other in a private language ~||~twins communicate less with their parents

17.At first glance,there hardly seems to be any comparison between Ravenna and Rome,but backin the 5th century ,it was Ravenna that served as capital of the Western Roman Empire. In this city,Roman rulers built monuments which are famous, then and now, for their sweeping mosaics (镶嵌图案). Seven of Ravenna's eight buildings from the 5th and 6th centuries are spectacularly decoratedwith examples of this ancient art. "In the past, many people couldn't read or write," says tour guideand Ravenna native Silvia Giogoli. "Mosaics were a way to explain the religion and the political situ-ation to the people. " Visitors to Ravenna can look at pieces of art by ancient artists, listen to usicians, and learn to make their own masterpieces.Travel Tips When to Go:June--October; weather is pleasant in April and May but historic sites can get crowded with school groups.Where to Stay:Walk through historic district sites from Albergo Cappello and stay at a modernHotel Centrale Byron.How to Get Around:Take the train from Bologna, and then walk, bike, or use taxis within the city.Where to Eat or Drink:Housed in a former movie theater, two-storey Ristorante Cinema Alex-ander blends 1940s Hollywood flavor with homemade Emilia Romagna courses and attentive service(helpful in translating the menu). For fresh seafood, try Osteria L'Accigua and Da Buco.What to Buy : Watch the next generation of Emilia Romagna mosaic artists createcontemporaryand traditional pieces in local studios where modern artists use the same methods as their Byzantineforefathers.What to Read Before You Go:Ravenna in Late Antiquity, by Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis-.2010) ,provides a wide-ranging look at the city's art, architecture, and history.In ancient times, mosaics were used to


A. display artistic achievements~||~compete with Roman paintings~||~explain religion and politics~||~teach reading and writing


The computer plays an important part in our everyday life.It is one of the great1in the world in the 2century,It works for us not only at home,in the offices,in bigshops3at schools.Today it is used4.many ways.It really 5the worldlarge wealth(财富)and happiness.The first computer in the world was6 Enid.It was built in America in 1946.Itwas7and heavy.8it was born,it has been developing very fast.Until now it hasgone9four periods(时期,阶段)and changed a lot.There' re many kinds of computers.The computers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster.It becomesmore and more10

The computer can do most of the things11 the people.It can help us to 12about the real world more quickly,to learn13 we want to learn and to think 14 ourselves.15 a student in the twenty-first century,you must work hard at it.5.(单选题)


A. A.takes~||~helps~||~gets~||~brings

19.It was sugested that this hardwoking girl____ an example for other students.


A. be set~||~will be set~||~could be set~||~had been set

20.--The boy has to stay at home to look after his little sister,___?-Yes,because his mother has gone shopping.


A. doe she~||~is he~||~doesn’t he~||~hasn’t he



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