


Why do I want to go to college?No one has ever asked me1a question.But manytimes I have asked myself.I have2 a whole variety of reasons.3important reasonthat I want to be a better man.

Many things make human beings different4or better than or even superior to animals

One of the most important things is5 .1f 1 fail to receive higher education.myeducation 6.As I want to be a fully7 man.I must getawell-rounded educationwhich good colleges and universities are supposed to8 I know one can get educatemany ways.but colleges and universities are9 the best places to teach me how to educate mysell.Only when I am well-educated.will I be a better human being and10 fitinto society.9


A. A.between~||~among~||~C.inside~||~outside

2.The T-shirts made in China are by no means _______ the ones made in America


A. less inferior than~||~inferior to~||~less inferior to ~||~inferior than 

3.----May I have the ____________ of dancing with you, Madame?----Yes, of course.


A. pleasure~||~joy~||~right~||~desire

4.Mr. Verder never thought that he would become a member of the board of directors because of his ( ) origin.


A. humble~||~previous~||~critical~||~false

5.Train companies in Tokyo are taking action to reduce the number of people jumping in front of trains.They are fitting blue lights on station platforms to try and create a more calming atmosphere.The East Japan Railway Company has invested almost $170,000 to install the lights in all of the 29 stations on the capital's busy Yamanote Line.There has been an alarming rise in the number of people committing suicide at train stations.A total of 68 people threw themselves under trains in the year up to March.This compares with 42 suicides in the same period a year earlier.In 2008, Japan had nearly 2,000 suicides by jumping in front of a train; around six percent of all suicides nationwide.Suicides have risen sharply in the past decade due to poor economic conditions.   No one knows if the blue lights will work.There is no evidence to show that blue light reduces suicidal feelings. Keihan Railway spokesman Osamu Okawa stated: "We thought we had to do something to save lives.We know there is no scientific proof that blue lights deter suicides, but if blue has a soothing effect on the mind, we want to try it to save lives." The Associated Press news agency reports on a Japanese therapist called Mizuki    Takahashi.She explained her reasons why the blue lights might be a good idea: "We associate the color with the sky and the sea.It has a calming effect on agitated people, or people obsessed with one particular thing, which in this case is committing suicide," she said.Other companies are watching this experiment with interest.[单选题] A Japanese therapist explained that __.


A. many suicides love blue color~||~the color of sky and see may calm excited people ~||~only people with trouble in mind need blue color ~||~blue color will definitely work to save suicides 

6.8.My father asked __ to help with his work.


A. I and Tom~||~Tom and me~||~ me and Tom~||~Tom and I


Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a well. After they1their work, he left them, saying, "When the sun is down, I will come and see your work. "

At last one of them said, " What's the use of doing this foolish work? We can2 fill the basket."3man answered,"That is none of your business.The firstsaid."You may do as you like,but I am not going to work at4soFoolish."He5 his bucket and went away.The other man said no word,and kept on carrying6 last the well was almost7.

As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket,he saw a bright thing in it.Hepicked it up.It was a beautiful gold ring.Just then the king came.8he saw the ring,he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted.He told him to keep the ringforhimself."You9so well in this little thing,"he said,"10now I know I canbelieve you with many things."2


A. A. ever~||~never~||~easily~||~no

8.We must help and understand each___


A. other~||~an other~||~others~||~the other


The computer plays an important part in our everyday life.It is one of the great1in the world in the 2century,It works for us not only at home,in the offices,in bigshops3at schools.Today it is used4.many ways.It really 5the worldlarge wealth(财富)and happiness.The first computer in the world was6 Enid.It was built in America in 1946.Itwas7and heavy.8it was born,it has been developing very fast.Until now it hasgone9four periods(时期,阶段)and changed a lot.There' re many kinds of computers.The computers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster.It becomesmore and more10

The computer can do most of the things11 the people.It can help us to 12about the real world more quickly,to learn13 we want to learn and to think 14 ourselves.15 a student in the twenty-first century,you must work hard at it.15.(单选题)


A. A.For~||~Be~||~As~||~To



A. double~||~found~||~doubt~||~southwest


Probably no other musical instrument(乐器)is as popular around the world as the guitar(吉他)。Almost every kind of music needs a guitar.Country and western music would not be the same without a guitar.The Spanish music called flamenco could not exist without a guitar.The sound of American blues music would not be the same without the sad cry of the guitar.And rock and roll music would almost be impossible without this instrument.

People do not agree about where the guitar was first played,but most agree it is veryold.Some say an instrument very much like a guitar was played in Egypt more than one thousand years ago. Some other say that an old form of the modern guitar was brought to Spain from Persian sometime in the 12th century.The guitar continued to develop in Spain. In the 1700s it became similar to the instrument we know today.

Many famous musicians played the instrument.The famous musician Niccolo Paganini played and wrote music for the guitar in the early 1800s.Franz Schubert used the guitar to write some of his famous works.In modern times Andres Segovia helped make the instrument extremely popular.

One kind of music for the guitar developed in the southern area of Spaincalled Andalusia It will always be strongly connected with the Spanish guitar1.What is discussed about the guitar in Paragraph 1?()


A. A.Its history in America.~||~Its value in the music world.~||~Its importance for music lovers.~||~Its use in musical performance.

12.In the past, people who graduated from college felt proud of their academic achievements andconfident that their degree would help them to find a good job.However, in the past four year the job market has changed dramatically. This year’s collegegraduates are facing one of the worst job markets. For example, Ryan Stewart, a graduate of SanJose State University, got a degree working are getting laid off and don’t have jobs, so it’s evenharder for new college graduates to find jobs.Four years ago, the future looked bright for his class of 2006. T here were many high-tech(“dotcom”)job opportunities, graduates received many job offers, and they were able to get jobs with highsalaries and benefits such as health insurance and paid vacations. However,“Times have changed.it’s a new market,” according to an officer of the university.The officer says students who do find jobs started preparing two years ago. They worked duringsummer vacations, they have had several short-time jobs, and they majored in fields that are stillpaying well, such as accounting or nursing.Even teaching is not a secure profession now. Ryan Stewart wanted to be a teacher, but instead hewill probably go back to school in order to become a college teacher. He thinks college teachingcould be a good career even in a bad economy.In conclusion, these days a college degree does not automatically lead to a good job with a highsalary. Some students can only hope that the value of their degree will increase in the future.According to the passage, ( ) had the best job prospects in 2002.


A. computer science~||~accounting~||~teaching~||~nursing

13.假定你住在一个讲英语的国家里,你的邻居是一对年轻的中国夫妇。他们是通过劳务输出未的该国,只能讲一点英语而不会用英语写文章。有一天,他们4岁的女儿走失了,请你给他们写一则寻人启事。要点如下:卢娜娜,女,4岁,六月一日走失,迄今未归。她,黄皮肤,黑眼睛,圆脸蛋,短发,最显著的特点是下唇左下侧有颗黑痣。她走时身穿白色衬衣和白底蓝花连衣裙,脚穿红色凉鞋。知其下落者请通知警署或按下列地址通知其家人:约翰大街108号卢慧夫妇电话:6060666下列词语供参考:1.outstanding characteristics显著特征2.mole n.(黑)痣3.sandal n.凉鞋4.whereabouts n.下落;行踪(本题20分)


14.-John,will you please paint the door yellow?--___


A. Why~||~What is it~||~How is it~||~How about

15.Nobody can do two things well___


A. at one time~||~at once~||~one time~||~once

16.If you want to stay young, sit down and have a good think. This is the research result of ProfessorFaulkner,who says that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise and as a result, we areageing unnecessarily soon.Professor Faulkner wanted to find out why healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losingtheir ability to think and to reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of ageing could beslowed down.He set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and occupations.Computer technology enabled him to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front andside sections of the brain, which relate to intelligence and emotion, and determine the humancharacter.Contraction of front and side parts—as cells die off—was observed in some subjects in their thirties,but it was still not evident in some sixty?and seventy?year?olds.Faulkner concluded from his tests that there is a simple way to slow the contraction—using thehead.The findings show that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in thetowns.Those least at risk, says Faulkner,are lawyers,followed by university professors and doctors.White?collar workers doing routine work are,however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farmworker, bus driver and shop assistant.Faulkner’s findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking. Blood must circulateproperly in the head to supply the fresh oxygen the brain cells need.“The best way to maintaingood blood circulation is through using the brain,”he says.“Think hard and engage inconversation.Don’t rely on pocket calculators.”According to the passage,which group of people seem to age slower than the others?


A. Farmers~||~ Lawyers~||~ Clerks.~||~ Shop assistants.

17.This is not her kite,but___


A. he‘s~||~him~||~he~||~his

18.When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of__________.


A. hold~||~ reach~||~ place~||~ hand

19.It ’s not until he was put to prison ______he realize he had broken the law.


A. before~||~after~||~when~||~that

20.One of the strongest hurricanes __ was the Florida Keys Storm of 1935, during which 500 people were killed.


A. to record~||~recorded~||~recording~||~being recorded



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